Child Safety is embedded in SYO in the following ways:
Child Safety is at the top of the agenda for all meetings including Bi-monthly Board Meetings, Weekly Staff Meetings and Event Evaluations.
Child Safe processes are presented to all SYO musicians as part of the Orientation for weekly and open programs.
Child Safe is explicitly addressed in the SYO Musicians Handbook, including how to report issues.
Child Safe refresher training is provided to SYO staff annually.
Complaint processes are clearly articulated and reports can be made at [email protected] and is accessible to all SYO musicians and parents.
Child Safe reports are submitted on all SYO activities and submitted including actions to the SYO Board of Directors monthly.
Detailed policies and procedures are publicly accessible and reviewed regularly both internally and by external advisors.
All staff and volunteers have NSW working with children checks and adhere to the SYO
Staff, Contractor and Volunteer’s Code of Conduct.
SYO is a mandatory reporting organisation and follows all required reporting requirements of the NSW Ombudsman and
Department of Community Services.
SYO is an organisation which is wholly dedicated to the advancement, support and wellbeing of young people who are passionate about music.
We are proudly a child safe organisation and embrace the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations
See below for a full, detailed list of SYO’s child safe policies and procedure documents.