Join music education legend and HSC Examiner John Ockwell, on a journey through music from the 17th, 18th and 19th century. Why does Mozart sound like Mozart, how did Beethoven change the course of musical history?
Students will use a variety of means including score analysis, rhythmic and melodic dictation and sight-singing to delve into key works of the period. The perfect preparation or extension for those intending to or who are studying Music 2/Music Extension as Music 1600-1900 is the Mandatory Topic for Year 11 Music 2 in the NSW HSC.
5 February 2022
*Musicians are welcome to join this program during the year
Saturdays weekly at 9am for 32 weeks (NSW School term-time)
Weekly classes are delivered via SYOnline and live through zoom each week
- $480 for non-SYO members
- $320 for SYO Musicians
Scholarships: Regional Scholarships are available for students living more than 200 kilometres from the Sydney CBD and Opportunity Scholarships are available for students who are facing financial hardship or circumstances that would otherwise prevent them from joining SYO – please contact us
Open to all musicians aged 14-19 (Years 9-12) and particularly suited to those studying elective music. Students should be very confident in reading and understanding musical notation to get the most out of this cours