Report a Child Safe Incident to SYO

Report a

How can you tell SYO if something is wrong?

Everyone who participates in SYO is bound by either the Participants Code of Conduct and Expectations or the Staff, Contractors and Volunteers Code of Conduct and Expectations

Please report to us if you feel anyone has breached these rules. 

There are always conductors, SYO staff and volunteers available at your rehearsals and concerts, they will have a lanyard around their neck that identifies them as a person to talk to.

Click to report anything that makes you feel unsafe on SYOnline. Your report will go directly to our Management.

Send am email to [email protected] – this email goes only to the SYO CEO and will not be discussed with anyone unless required by law.

During rehearsals call the phone number that corresponds with your orchestra.

Strings Program 0447 280 138
Symphonic Wind Orchestra 0447 083 655
Peter Seymour Orchestra 0431 157 661
SYO Philharmonic 0413 617 816
Western Sydney Youth Orchestra 0439 375 118

Please call the SYO office during business hours Monday-Friday 02 9251 2422

You can talk directly with the CEO, Mia Patoulios at anytime:
Phone: 02 9251 2422 (ask for Mia) Email: [email protected]

Any discussion will be confidential.

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