SYO Beginners

In 2019, with support from the Crown Resorts and Packer Family Foundation, we undertook a project to explore how SYO could support the teaching and learning of Orchestral Instruments in schools in Western Sydney. 

With the impact of COVID 19 dramatically changing the direction of the project, SYO Beginners was born. 

The aim:

  • To create a digital resource using videos and activities to assist instrumental teachers 
  • Provide a framework for 15 orchestral instruments that model best practices for the 12months of learning
  • Create a mentoring network for early-career instrumental teachers and an ongoing connection.


Working with technology partners Learning For Good, this project in currently being piloted. 

If you would like to learn more about this project or get involved please contact: James Pensini




This project would not have been possible without the support of: 

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